What you may not realise you get for free with Melbourne Cityside Celebrant!
So...you just walked down the isle!! a wave of applause, friends and family everywhere!! gee where do i start? photo's...cuddles and congrats!!
Then..oh thank god! Benn Stone who just married us has come back with a drink, i was hot, nervous and here he is :)
One of the first things i do is get the couple a drink! they may not know now but i do how much will be going on, things everywhere, people, warm wishes and if it's one thing doing 100's of wedding has shown me it's to understand and anticipate what you can do for the couple. It may be as simple as getting them a drink before they start the next few hours of photo's, having tissues ready!! getting there early and staying to play music after and not rushing off.
Trust me! these things you don't know now you will appreciate come your wedding day....and that's the Melbourne Cityside Celebrant difference :)
Thanks Alyx and Adam also for your feedback below....
Thankyou so much! You were awesome 😀 was such a great day and you definitely played a huge part by making everyone so comfortable and the ceremony so personal to us, and above all making sure i had a beer hahah Thanks again!! 💑